Virtual Conference - Next Week


2021 GIS in Action Annual Conference 

Conference Registration

April 19th-22nd 2021

Register for Conference

Cascadia Region ASPRS and the Oregon-Southwest Washington URISA Chapter present the 29th annual GIS in Action Conference. The 2021 conference will be a virtual event held on the week of April 19th, 2021. More details are available on our website.

You’re invited to register for the 2021 conference. 

Registration for the 1st fully-virtual GIS in Action conference is intended to make attendance accessible. There is a flat $35 rate for the 4 half-days of conference. Students and anyone with financial hardship (as defined by working less than part-time) can attend the keynotes and presentations for free. Workshops are held during the afternoon for an additional fee.

The preliminary conference schedule is available online

Topics of Interest:

  • Social Justice & Critical GIS

  • Emergency Response

  • Planet GIS

  • Working with LiDAR

  • Emerging Professionals & Students

Keynote Speakers:

  • Karsten Vennemann
  • Jeff Frkonja
  • Steve Hoffert
  • Colleen Miller
  • Nicole D. Franklin

For questions about the conference, please contact the GIS in Action conference committee.

2021 GIS in Action Sponsors


2021 GIS in Action Workshops

Workshops Registration

April 19th-22nd 2021

Register for Workshops

Day 1 Workshop:  Adventures in LiDAR using Arc

Take a tour in Arc using lidar data and see the many products and tools that can be made with lidar data. Students will be provided with a dataset and full tutorial on the processes and tools that will be demonstrated.

Presenter: Debbie Barnes

Session Time: 1:00 PM - 3.50PM  (PDT) Monday, April 19 2021

Day 2 Workshop: Understanding how your GIS is used with CMMS in the Analysis of Risk

GIS is critical to a fully functioning Infrastructure Asset Management Program. We will walk through each step of a supporting GIS to achieve the goal of assessing and analyzing asset Risk and Criticality.

Presenter:  Ben Hoffman

Session Time: 3:00 PM - 4:50 PM (PDT) Tuesday, April 20 2021

Day 2 Workshop: Examining the legacy of redlining in the United States using the Google Earth Engine Python API

This workshop is an introduction to the ‘big data’ analysis capabilities of Google Earth Engine via the Python API, including accessing remote sensing and model data collections, calculating spectral indices, and sampling environmental variables for areas of interest. Using the ' area descriptions' created by the US ' Home Owners' Loan Corporation' (HOLC) i n the l ate 1930s (the origin of the term ‘redlining’ ) that were compiled digitally by the Mapping Inequality project, the workshop characterizes modern day environmental conditions i n the different HOLC grades using measures such as l and surface temperature, vegetation greenness, and seasonal temperature variations.


● A Google Earth Engine Account

● A Google account for access to the Colaboratory virtual machine environment.

Presenter: Dr. Nicholas P. Kohler

Session Time: 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM (PDT) Tuesday, April 20 2021

Day 3 Workshop: GLOBE Observer: An example for using community science data to build and maintain your GIS capacity

The aim of this workshop is to present the latest developments in which community and citizen science are creating and contributing open-access geospatial data. With the proliferation of mobile technology that are location-enabled, there are emerging opportunities to teach foundational geospatial concepts, engage communities in quality-controlled data collection, and developing the ‘people’ component of a geographic information system (GIS). To demonstrate a process for using a citizen science tool, you will be introduced and use a mobile app developed by the NASA-supported Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program. Weather and local regulations permitting, you can go outside and collect data related to tree height, land cover, and clouds. Then we will explore and compare this type of data to authoritative geospatial data maintained by local, state, and federal organizations. Finally, we will facilitate a discussion on recommendations for key areas in which communities could continue involvement in building and maintaining maps, GIS, and the needed open access data. This workshop is sponsored by OregonView.

Presenter: Peder Vernon Nelson

Oregon State University

Session Time: 3:00 PM - 4:50 PM (PDT) Wednesday, April 21 2021

Day 4 Workshop:  GIS for Community Resilience

This workshop is comprised of two parts. First we highlight ways that GIS can contribute to achieving community resilience highlighting case studies and share methods for community empowerment by leveraging spatial thinking and GIS. In the second portion we will introduce the activities and opportunities to engage with resilience in context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and a new URISA International working group for Climate Change and Climate Equity. In this workshop we engage with attendees to identify experiences and opportunities for community engagement to address these challenges.


Teresa Townsend, AICP

Chief Executive Officer, Planning Communities, LLC Raleigh, North Carolina

Dr. Sheila Lakshmi Steinberg

Brandman University
Professor of GIS, Social and Environmental Sciences
Irvine, CA

Dr. Sheila Lakshmi Steinberg is Faculty Assembly President and Full Professor of  GIS, Social and Environmental Sciences at Brandman University, Irvine, CA. Steinberg is an accomplished author who has published a variety of books and edited volumes. Her most recent books is co-edited volume with Dr. Steven Steinberg entitled Resilient Communities Across Geographies Esri Press forthcoming in January 2021.  In 2016 she co-edited Extreme Weather, Health and Communities: Interdisciplinary Engagement Strategies for Springer Press and co-authored GIS Research Methods for Esri Press (2015). In 2014 she authored two entries (“Community Activism” and “Small Business Ownership”) and for the Undocumented Immigrants in the United States Today: An Encyclopedia of their Experiences (Ed.) Anna Ochoa  O’Leary,   ABC-CLIO/Greenwood Press. Professor Steinberg is also a co-author of  a book for Sage Publications entitled, GIS for the Social Sciences: Investigating Space and Place (2006).

Steven Steinberg, Ph.D, MPA, GISP

GIO, Los Angeles County California

Session Time: 1:00 PM - 2.50 PM (PDT) Thursday, April 22 2021

Day 4 Workshop: Remote Sensing with Free and Open Source Software (FOSS): Land Cover Analysis

Discover the powerful capabilities that Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)[1] has to offer for remote sensing tasks and beyond. This 4-hour workshop will demonstrate how to perform a land cover analysis using Sentinel 2 imagery[2] using two different approaches. Participants are welcome to follow along with the workflow on their own machines if desired. Examples will include both the use of “Maximum Likelihood” and “Random Forest” classification algorithms.

The first approach will show how to do a land cover analysis on QGIS desktop (on windows), while the second approach covers how to use the Goggle Earth Engine platform(GEE)[5] (a cloud-computing-platform based earth analysis engine) to do the same. A brief overview of FOSS for remote sensing will be followed by an introduction to QGIS desktop[3] and the Semi-automatic Classification Plug-in (SCP)[4]. This covers a complete workflow of performing a land cover analysis in QGIS based on Sentinel 2 imagery at 10-meter resolution. Steps covered in this workflow include:

  • Selecting and obtaining imagery (direct queries, filtering of areas and imagery parameters, and download directly via the GUI in QGIS)
  • Creating a suitable band set for the land cover analysis depending on the satellite/imagery used
  • Preprocessing, conversion to reflectance, and simple atmospheric correction of imagery bands
  • Creating training areas for the land cover classification
  • performing the land cover classification (Maximum Likelihood vs. Random Forest)
  • A brief overview of post-processing capabilities
  • Accuracy assessment and error correction

The second approach shows the use of the Goggle Earth Engine platform (GEE)[5] to perform a similar analysis. The use of GEE is free for academic and private purposes. Following the

workflow of the first approach example scripts will be illustrated on how to run a Random Forest-based land cover analysis on a time series of sentinel 2 and sentinel 1 imagery.

In summary, the workshop will include the following parts

1. Overview of FOSS for remote sensing tasks

2. Land Cover Analysis using QGIS and the SCP plug-in

1. Brief Overview of QGIS desktop

2. Overview of the SCP (Semi-automatic classification) plug-in

3. Land Cover Classification using the SCP

3. The GOOGLE Earth Engine(GEE) Platform

1. Brief Overview of (GEE)

2. Land cover Classification using GEE

Presenter: Karsten Vennemann

Karsten Vennemann is originally from Germany and has been living with his family in Seattle since 2004. He has been working as a GIS professional for over 20 years and gathered experience in the academic and private sectors, as well as in non-profit organizations, before founding Terra GIS, a GIS Consulting firm based in Seattle, in 2007. Karsten's background is in Geography and Soil Science, and he holds a Diploma (Master of Sc.) from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in addition to a Master's Degree from UC Berkeley. From an early age, he has been interested in supporting environmental efforts to preserve natural resources and to protect natural plant and animal habitats. Following this lifelong passion, Karsten has worked with GIS in the context of natural resources, sustainable development, and social justice. Over the course of his career, he has served as an Environmental Scientist, GIS Analyst & Programmer, and Project Coordinator, working on various tasks including GIS project management, GIS analysis, cartography, remote sensing, development of web-based information systems, and implementation of spatial databases. In recent years, his work as principal consultant of TerraGIS has allowed him to contribute to a wide variety of projects in Europe, Africa, South America, and the Pacific Northwest (US). Moreover, for many years now Karsten has increasingly been using open-source geospatial software. He teaches classes in Open Source GIS and a good portion of his work as a consultant involves creating and supporting open-source-based Web GIS solutions. Throughout the last 15 years, Karsten has been a frequent speaker at GIS conferences and an active member of the OSGeo Foundation as well as the Open Source Geospatial community.

You can find more information about Karsten and TerraGIS at

Session Time: 1:00 PM - 3:40 PM (PDT) Thursday, April 22 2021

Day 4 Workshop: Geographic Information Science & Technology Best Practices for Equity & Social Justice

The focus of this workshop is on emerging best practices for doing work with geographic information science & technology (GIS&T) for issues related to equity and social justice (ESJ). During the past decade many government agencies have begun to apply an equity lens to public policies, projects, and programs. On January 20, 2021, President Biden signed an Executive Order ‘On Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government’ that recognizes the key role of geography and IT.
This workshop will review recently published best practices on using GIS&T for ESJ, including data management, data sources, geospatial analysis, cartographic display, general visualization, and the use of dashboards – all within the context of a GIS&T to ESJ lifecycle. The workshop will also cover ideas for community involvement in GIS&T based ESJ work.

Presenter:  Greg Babinski

Greg Babinski’s GIS career spans 31 years. He has worked for the King County GIS Center in Seattle since 1998. Greg originated the URISA GIS Capability Maturity Model and participated in the development of the Geospatial Management Competency Model. He is a GISP and an American Geographical Society Ethical GEO Fellow. In addition to GIS consulting, he is a GIS researcher, author, and instructor. He has spoken about GIS management across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Greg has also taught GIS for Public Policy as an instructor with the University of Washington Evans Graduate School of Public Administration. In his spare time, Greg likes hiking steep, narrow and dangerous trails that lead high above the clouds to awesome views.

Session Time: 3:00 PM - 4:50 PM (PDT) Thursday, April 22 2021

We look forward to seeing you at the 2021 GIS in Action Conference!

2021 GIS in Action Conference Hosts:

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