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2025 SCHEDULE Coming Soon!


Using Sched for the GIS In Action Conference 

Sched is an online program tool that allows you to browse and save sessions, see files shared by presenters, connect with other conference attendees, and provide feedback on the sessions you attend. It can be accessed by any computer or mobile device, and its user-friendly interface makes it a snap to find the most up-to-date information throughout the conference.  Download Sched and get your account set up before the conference so you can begin planning your schedule and connecting with other attendees.

Get Started

You can access Sched via your laptop and mobile device. Please follow the directions below, and make sure that the device you will be using at the conference is set up appropriately. Once set up, your account will be synced when you log into Sched from any device.

Mobile Devices (Recommended)

  1. Download the Sched app from the app store.

  2. If you have used Sched previously, log in using your credentials. If this is your first time using Sched, sign up for a new account. You can build your profile with personal information such as a bio, position title, affiliation, and photo to help others connect with you during and after the conference.

  3. Search for “2024 GIS In Action Conference” to find the conference event page and join the conference.

  4. Navigate the online conference program through the app to save sessions you are interested in and view any materials shared by the presenters.

On Your Laptop

1. Go to "". 

2. Sign up for a Sched account or log into an existing account using the links near the top of the page. You can build

your profile with personal information such as a bio, position title, affiliation, and photo to help others connect with you during and after the conference.

3. Hover your mouse over or click on the color-coded sessions for a full description and other details. Click on “Add to my Sched” to add to a list of presentations you are interested in attending.

Need extra help setting up your personalized conference schedule? Visit

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