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 2025 Workshop Submission Form

Please note: Most presentations are 20 minutes long with 5-10 minutes for questions. We also invite panel presentation abstracts, full presentation session concepts (i.e., 3+ presentations of the same topic), and lightning talk abstracts. 

Workshops are offered for Monday April 21st and April 22nd. A $50 workshop fee will be added in addition to the vendor fee to cover GIS in Action’s costs. 

2024 Workshops

Monday, April 29th

Introduction to Python Programming Workshop

 Instructor: David Howes

  • Registration Cost: $400.00
  • Duration: All Day 8:00-5:00
  • Description:  Python is now regarded as one of the most popular programming languages of all, if not the most popular. This is especially true for GIS-related requirements, with Python being front and central when it comes to making the most of the ArcGIS technology suite. This workshop will provide an introduction to Python programming without reference to GIS topics, but with an emphasis on preparing attendees for further learning with respect to GIS scripting and development. The workshop will also be helpful for anyone wishing to use Python for other purposes. Three topics will be covered in the workshop: (1) getting started with Python; (2) the use of JetBrains PyCharm Community Edition [], a rich, powerful, and free Integrated Development Environment (IDE); and (3) Python fundamentals, including functions, classes and objects, and error handling. Intended Audience: Anyone wishing to learn the fundamentals of Python programming.


  • Prerequisite Requirements: There are no prerequisite requirements. It will be assumed that attendees have little experience with Python or are starting from scratch. Format and Technical Requirements: The workshop will consist of a balance between lecture material and demonstrations, which forms the basis for a flexible and interactive training approach. There will be plenty of time for discussion and experimentation, which will result in a rich and rewarding experience for everyone involved. Attendees must bring their own laptop and instructions for setting up the required software will be provided prior to the workshop.


  • Presenter Details: David Howes is a geospatial information scientist and the sole owner at David Howes, LLC ( in Seattle, WA, specializing in the development of GIS tools, processes, and supporting infrastructure for a variety of clients from small operations to multinational corporations. David has over 30 years of academic and private sector experience in both the United Kingdom and the United States in geography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and fluvial geomorphology (including a Ph.D. in geomorphology from the State University of New York at Buffalo and an M.Sc. in GIS from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland).


Earth Engine

Instructor: Dr. Nicholas Kohler

  • Registration Cost: $50.00
  • Duration: 1:00-4:00


  • Description: Using remote sensing and climate model data in Earth Engine with Dr. Nicholas Kohler This workshop is an introduction to the ‘big data’ analysis capabilities of Google Earth Engine via the Python API, including accessing remote sensing and earth model data collections, calculating spectral indices, and sampling environmental variables for areas of interest. Two examples are used in the workshop. One examines the legacy of redlining in the United States - using the 'area descriptions' created by the US 'Home Owners' Loan Corporation' (HOLC) in the late 1930s (the origin of the term ‘redlining’). Based on measures such as land surface temperature, vegetation greenness, and seasonal temperature variation, modern day environmental conditions are compared across differently graded neighborhoods of Portland, Oregon. The second example uses Sentinel-2 data to estimate the impacts of the 2020 Holiday Farm Fire and post-fire response on the forest landscape of the McKenzie River, Oregon.
  •  Prerequisites: Students need an Earth engine account and provide their own laptop.


  • Instructor Information: Dr. Kohler teaches courses in remote sensing, geospatial data science, and human-environment relations at the University of Oregon. His research concerns natural and cultural world heritage management and conservation, land use change related to economic development, environmental monitoring with remotely sensed data, crowdsourced database development and mapping, and the geography of outdoor adventure sports.



Thursday, May 2nd


Introduction to ArcGIS Pro Python Tools and Processes

Instructor: David Howes

  • Registration Cost: $400.00
  • Duration: All Day 8:00-5:00


  • Description: ArcGIS Pro is a powerful GIS desktop application in which great things can be accomplished using the out-of-the-box user interface options. Users can accomplish significantly more, however, and make the most of their ArcGIS investment, by using Python to perform GIS operations and streamline workflows. For this reason, Python experience is almost always a key consideration in GIS-related hiring decisions. This workshop focuses on extending the capabilities of ArcGIS Pro via standalone scripts and tools that can operate within ArcGIS Pro or externally. Three topics will be covered: (1) An overview of using Python with ArcGIS Pro; (2) Developing and running Python scripts; and (3) Creating and using geoprocessing tools. JetBrains PyCharm Community Edition, a rich, powerful, and free Integrated Development Environment (IDE), will be used for all coding activities. Intended Audience: GIS professionals familiar with ArcGIS Pro and Python and wishing to develop GIS tools and processes.


  • Prerequisite Requirements: Anyone wishing to attend this workshop must also attend the associated workshop, "Introduction to Python Programming." An exception to this requirement will be made if the instructor is satisfied that your level of Python experience is such that attending the introductory workshop is not necessary. If required, please contact the instructor to request a waiver. Format and Technical Requirements: Attendees must bring their own laptop.


  • Presenter Details: David Howes is a geospatial information scientist and the sole owner at David Howes, LLC ( []) in Seattle, WA, specializing in the development of GIS tools, processes, and supporting infrastructure for a variety of clients from small operations to multinational corporations. David has over 30 years of academic and private sector experience in both the United Kingdom and the United States in geography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and fluvial geomorphology (including a Ph.D. in geomorphology from the State University of New York at Buffalo and an M.Sc. in GIS from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland).

ESRI-Led All Day Workshop Package                 Registration Cost: $50.00

Join us for four ESRI Instructor-led workshops on Thursday, May 2nd from 8:00-4:00. Attend either of two morning and two afternoon sessions for one low price of $50!

MORNING SESSIONS: 9:00 – 12:00


Instructor: Michael Green

  • Description: Launching new technology is not like a field of dreams. It takes work and a solid plan to get people to buy in to using the new technology. Our adoption strategy expert will walk you through the change management steps necessary to help build a healthy sponsor network, a strong communications plan and an attainable training plan to get your people on board with the GIS changes going on in your agency.


Instructor: Ryan Richardson

  • Description: This workshop will focus on 2D and 3D mapping using drones and the Esri ArcGIS platform. It will cover the data requirements and the different GIS products that can be derived from the collected data. The presentation will emphasize the importance of planning and taking a systems approach to achieve repeatable and verifiable results when using drones for GIS data collection. The complete workflow for requesting a mapping flight, tracking the status, managing the UAV missions, and sharing the dashboard of all UAV missions will be demonstrated. The presentation will showcase various ArcGIS platform tools such as Drone2Map, SiteScan, and ArcGIS Pro to create 2D and 3D mapping products and manage the derived GIS data products.



Instructor: Robert Krisher

  • Description: This workshop will cover the recommended tools and processes to prototype the utility network, along with how to access self-paced learning resources to teach you every step of the process. After the workshop you will know how to leverage existing online resources to learn how to prototype the utility network using your data, to evaluate your skillsets and data quality.


Instructor: Sara McDonald

  • Description: ArcGIS Instant Apps are web apps that can quickly be created in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise that make it easy to interact with your maps and data. We will cover: Knowing which template to use, using Instant Apps to share your web map, identify locations of interest, and present a collection of content.

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