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Workshops are Monday April 21st and April 22nd. A $50 workshop fee is included in registration to cover GIS in Action’s costs. 


High-Accuracy GNSS in Esri Field Maps & Drone Applications  4/21 $150
Intermediate Experience Builder  4/21 $289
Introduction to Python Programming  4/21 $400
Spatial Analysis with ArcGIS Pro  4/21 $289
Utility Network Data Migration And Cleanup          4/21 & 4/22 $400
Beginners Guide to using Arcade in ArcGIS Online  4/22 $289
Introduction to ArcGIS Data Management Using Python  4/22 $400
Geoprocessing Automation in ArcGIS Pro with Tasks  4/22 $289

Description provided below.

High-Accuracy GNSS in Esri Field Maps & Drone Applications

Instructor: Tyler Gakstatter, Discovery Management Group

  • Cost: $150
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Date: Monday 4/21
  • Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Technical, Management, Young Professional/Student
  • Student Limit: unlimited 

Pre-Requisites: None

Student Computing Needs: None

Special Instructions: None

Description: Want to improve the accuracy of your field data? This workshop dives deep into high-accuracy GNSS data collection using Esri Field Maps. Learn how to achieve centimeter-level accuracy through proper GNSS receiver configuration and setup within Field Maps.  While we'll be working with Field Maps, the core concepts and techniques you learn will apply to a variety of other mapping software and workflows. Plus, explore the exciting world of high-accuracy GNSS in drone applications with a bonus module.

About: Tyler Gakstatter is a seasoned geospatial professional with over 10 years of experience in the high-accuracy GNSS industry.  He has extensive experience with a wide array of GNSS hardware and mapping software, including Esri's Field Maps, which he has used since its initial release as Collector. Tyler possesses an in-depth understanding of how to achieve high-accuracy data collection with Field Maps. His expertise extends beyond personal use, as he has hosted numerous high-accuracy GNSS workshops with Esri across the United States.

Intermediate Experience Builder

Instructor: Kara Utter, Geospatial Training Services

  • Cost: $289
  • Date: Monday, April 21
  • Level: Intermediate, Technical
  • Student Limit: 40 

Pre-Requisites: This course is intended for students who have some knowledge of ArcGIS Online and have already taken Introduction to Experience Builder or have been working in the application builder a little and want to take their skills to the next level. No scripting skills necessary.

Student Computing Needs: Basic Laptop

Special Instructions: This course is intended for students who have some knowledge of ArcGIS Online and have already taken Introduction to Experience Builder or have been working in the application builder a little and want to take their skills to the next level. No scripting skills necessary.

Description: This course takes you through the process of building a highly dynamic application utilizing sections and views, related tables, trigger and actions, attribute and spatial queries, editing, and more. Our introductory course was created to help instill muscle memory for navigating the Experience Builder interface, which is quite different from any of ESRI’s other application builders. With this new course, we take you through the steps necessary to build a high-level application that will impress your managers, users, and clients.

Course exercises will give you the hands-on experience you need to create interactive and dynamic functionality that provides flexibility for your users and information-rich applications.

About: Kara has over 10 years of experience in geospatial and data science and is the owner of Dynamic Visions GIS. She has a diverse background, having provided services to all levels of government, wildfire, natural resources, fisheries, and various nonprofits. Her capacity to complete GIS needs assessments, improve efficiency, increase public access to information, provide methods of asset tracking, and quickly adapt to a changing environment has resulted in many successful project resolutions and National recognition through ESRI’s Special Achievements in GIS awards. Kara is an active member of the GIS community through participation on multiple boards and committees.

Introduction to Python Programming

Instructor: David Howes, David Howes, LLC. 

  • Cost: $400
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Date(s): Monday 4/21
  • Level: Intermediate, Advanced, Technical
  • Student Limit: 20

Pre-Requisites: Introduction to Python

Student Computing Needs: Basic laptop

Special Instructions: None

Description: Python is now regarded as one of the most popular programming languages of all, if not the most popular. This is especially true for GIS-related requirements, with Python being front and central when it comes to making the most of the ArcGIS technology suite. This workshop will provide an introduction to Python programming without reference to GIS topics, but with an emphasis on preparing attendees for further learning with respect to GIS scripting and development. The workshop will also be helpful for anyone wishing to use Python for other purposes.

Three topics will be covered in the workshop: (1) getting started with Python; (2) the use of JetBrains PyCharm Community Edition, a rich, powerful, and free Integrated Development Environment (IDE); and (3) Python fundamentals, including functions, classes and objects, and error handling.

The workshop will consist of a balance between lecture material and demonstrations, which forms the basis for a flexible and interactive training approach. There will be plenty of time for discussion and experimentation, which will result in a rich and rewarding experience for everyone involved.

About : David Howes is a geospatial information scientist and the sole owner at David Howes, LLC ( in Seattle, WA, specializing in the development of GIS tools, processes, and supporting infrastructure for a variety of clients from small operations to multinational corporations. With over 30 years of academic and private sector experience in both the United Kingdom and the United States in geography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and fluvial geomorphology (including a Ph.D. in geomorphology from the State University of New York at Buffalo and an M.Sc. in GIS from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland), David has a diverse background that is well suited to developing innovative solutions to spatial problems. He is a regular supporter of and provider of GIS professional development activities and training, typically as part of his initiative.

Spatial Analysis with ArcGIS Pro

Instructor: Eric Pimpler, Geospatial Training Services

  • Cost: $289
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Date: Monday, April 21
  • Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Technical
  • Student Limit: 20

Pre-Requisites: Familiarity with basic ArcGIS Pro skills.

Student Computing Needs: Basic Laptop

Special Instructions: You will need a license of ArcGIS Pro installed on the computer you bring to class.

Description: Unlock the power of spatial analysis and discover how to harness ArcGIS Pro to solve real-world geographic problems. This course is designed for professionals and students who want to deepen their understanding of spatial data and analysis workflows. Through hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios, you’ll learn to leverage ArcGIS Pro’s robust tools to explore patterns, identify relationships, and make data-driven decisions.

Key topics include:

* Data preparation and management for spatial analysis.

* Core spatial analysis techniques, such as proximity, overlay, and spatial statistics.

* Creating and interpreting thematic maps, heatmaps, and 3D visualizations.

* Leveraging geoprocessing tools to automate and streamline workflows.

* Advanced analysis methods, including network analysis, terrain modeling, and suitability analysis.

By the end of this course, you will have the skills to confidently use ArcGIS Pro for spatial analysis in diverse fields such as urban planning, environmental management, real estate, and business intelligence. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your GIS expertise, this course provides the tools and knowledge to succeed.

About: Eric is the founder and owner of GeoSpatial Training Services and has over 25 years experience as an application developer, data scientist, and trainer using ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Pro. Eric is currently focused on data science applications with Python, R, and GIS.

Eric is the author of:

Programming ArcGIS with Python Cookbook

Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript

Spatial Analytics with ArcGIS

ArcGIS Blueprints

Programming ArcGIS Pro with Python

Eric has a Bachelor’s degree in Geography from Texas A&M University and a Master’s of Applied Geography degree with a concentration in GIS from Texas State University.


Utility Network Data Migration And Cleanup

Instructor: Robert Krisher, Jessica Gooch, ESRI

  • Cost: $400
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Date(s): Monday, April 21 & Tuesday, April 22
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Student Limit: 10

Pre-Requisites: Experience with ArcGIS Pro. Familiarity with ArcGIS Utility Network terminology and concepts.

Student Computing Needs: High power laptop

Special Instructions:  Each Student can bring 1 additional person from their organization.

Description: This two-day workshop will walk you through the data mapping, data migration, and data cleanup required to migrate data from a geometric network to an ArcGIS Utility Network using a sample customer dataset. It includes a series of hands-on exercises designed to teach you the different tools and techniques to successfully migrate your own dataset. Customers are expected to have either completed the Working with Utility Networks in ArcGIS instructor-led class or read the content in the Getting started with the ArcGIS Utility Network learning series to ensure they are familiar with ArcGIS Pro along with the core concepts and terminology of the ArcGIS Utility Network. Customers who have also completed the Configuring Utility Networks in ArcGIS instructor-led class will be best prepared to engage with the contents of the workshop. 

About: Robert Krisher works as a product engineer on the ArcGIS Utility Network product to create technical and functional documentation to help customers understand how to apply this technology to meet their organization’s requirements. He has almost 20 years of software development, data migration, and implementation experience using Esri-based GIS solutions for utility customers.

Jess is a Sr. Solution Engineer on the Esri Infrastructure team. She has been at Esri for over four years, where her focus has been in the Electric industry supporting the Utility Network, ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online applications. Prior to Esri, Jess was the Water Resources Asset Manager for the City of Portland, ME where she managed the sewer and stormwater asset management program.

Beginners Guide to using Arcade in ArcGIS Online

Instructor: Kara Utter, Geospatial Training Services

  • Cost: $289
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Date: Tuesday, April 22
  • Level: Intermediate, Technical
  • Student Limit: 40
Pre-Requisites: This course is intended for students who have some knowledge of ArcGIS Online and have already taken Introduction to Experience Builder or have been working in the application builder a little and want to take their skills to the next level. No scripting skills necessary.
Student Computing Needs: Basic Laptop
Special Instructions: Students need to have their own computer hardware, an ArcGIS Online Creator user-type or higher, and a role of Publisher or higher assigned to their Creator user-type.  Students will need to log into their organization’s AGOL account, so they need to have their AGOL URL and valid login available at the start of class.

Description: This course introduces you to the powerful capabilities of ArcGIS Arcade in the ArcGIS Online environment. You will learn how to write Arcade expressions to enhance your web maps, enabling the creation of custom symbology, dynamic labels, and informative pop-ups without altering your underlying data. Through a series of hands-on exercises, you’ll explore how to apply Arcade expressions to various map elements, creating more interactive and data-driven maps.

About: Kara has over 10 years of experience in geospatial and data science and is the owner of Dynamic Visions GIS. She has a diverse background, having provided services to all levels of government, wildfire, natural resources, fisheries, and various nonprofits. Her capacity to complete GIS needs assessments, improve efficiency, increase public access to information, provide methods of asset tracking, and quickly adapt to a changing environment has resulted in many successful project resolutions and National recognition through ESRI’s Special Achievements in GIS awards. Kara is an active member of the GIS community through participation on multiple boards and committees.

Introduction to ArcGIS Data Management Using Python

Instructor: David Howes, David Howes, LLC. 

  • Cost: $400
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Date: Tuesday, April 22
  • Level: Intermediate, Advanced, Technical
  • Student Limit: 20

Pre-Requisites: Anyone wishing to attend this workshop must also attend the associated workshop, "Introduction to Python Programming." An exception to this requirement will be made if the instructor is satisfied that your level of Python experience is such that attending the introductory workshop is not necessary. If required, please contact the instructor to request a waiver.

Student Computing Needs: Basic laptop

Special Instructions: None

Description: ArcGIS Pro allows users to meet data management requirements, such as creating, reading, loading, updating, and deleting feature classes and tables, manually using geoprocessing tools, editing operations, and data manipulation functionality. While this may work well for small datasets, it can become unwieldy as the number of values and number of required operations increases. This is where Python comes in, especially when accompanied by an appreciation for the value of well-crafted and versatile code. Being able to streamline and automate workflows can save significant amounts of time and effort, can increase confidence in outcomes, and can provide a valuable record of how and when processes have been run.

The purpose of this workshop is to teach attendees how to use Python and the ArcPy site package to support data management workflows via the ArcGIS Pro Python Window and scripts that that can be run within ArcGIS Pro or externally. Topics to be covered include the use of data management geoprocessing tools, cursors, and core Python data structures. Consideration will also be given to the importance of clean, descriptive, and reusable code. For script development, attendees may use either of two Integrated Development Environment (IDE) programs: JetBrains PyCharm Community Edition or Microsoft Visual Studio Code (both free).

The workshop will consist of a balance between lecture material and demonstrations, which forms the basis for a flexible and interactive training approach. There will be plenty of time for discussion and experimentation, which will result in a rich and rewarding experience for everyone involved.

About: David Howes is a geospatial information scientist and the sole owner at David Howes, LLC ( in Seattle, WA, specializing in the development of GIS tools, processes, and supporting infrastructure for a variety of clients from small operations to multinational corporations. With over 30 years of academic and private sector experience in both the United Kingdom and the United States in geography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and fluvial geomorphology (including a Ph.D. in geomorphology from the State University of New York at Buffalo and an M.Sc. in GIS from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland), David has a diverse background that is well suited to developing innovative solutions to spatial problems. He is a regular supporter of and provider of GIS professional development activities and training, typically as part of his initiative.

Geoprocessing Automation in ArcGIS Pro with Tasks

Instructor: Eric Pimpler, Geospatial Training Services

  • Cost: $289
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Date(s): Tuesday 4/22
  • Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Technical
  • Student Limit: 20

Pre-Requisites: Familiarity with basic ArcGIS Pro skills.

Student Computing Needs: Basic Laptop

Special Instructions: You will need a license of ArcGIS Pro installed on the computer you bring to class.

Description: All GIS professionals have routine geoprocessing tasks that must be completed on an on-going basis. Some of these tasks must be completed daily, weekly, monthly, or periodically on an on-going basis. In many cases these geoprocessing tasks can be automated or semi-automated. ArcGIS Pro includes three methods for automation including ModelBuilder, Python, and the new Task Framework.

Many on-going geoprocessing routines require that a lengthy series of steps be completed in a very specific order. Often, GIS users complete these geoprocessing routines from memory or perhaps they’ve documented the steps required to complete the process. The ArcGIS Pro Task framework forces rigor into the process by allowing you to design and build tasks to successfully guide the end user in the completion of geoprocessing routines.

Tasks are ideal for automation of geoprocessing routines in the following situations:

• Less experienced users who need to complete geoprocessing tasks
• A specific set of steps must be followed in order without deviation
• Geoprocessing tasks that require some user interaction
• When you need to document a process that isn’t done frequently

About: Eric is the founder and owner of Geospatial Training Services and has over 25 years experience as an application developer, data scientist, and trainer using ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Pro. Eric is currently focused on data science applications with Python, R, and GIS.

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